
Advancing AI for B2B in Latam. Learn more at: Patagon.AI

Cover Image for How to start using AI to make decisions in your company in under one hour?

AI is coming at us at breakneck speeds. With reasoning powers that rivals humans and at a fraction of the cost, companies are adopting them for most of their workflows. Are you?

David Grandes
David Grandes

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Why will 99% of AI startups fail despite AI being the next tech shift?

AI will become a foundational technology, yet its still very hard to know what will be the winning products in that new paradigm. We explore how Domain Driven Design can give us a framework to understand how businesses prioritize innovations that directly amplify their core offerings and opt for third-party solutions for secondary domains. Drawing parallels with the adoption of electricity and the unforeseen implications it had, like the growth of Coca Cola due to refrigeration advancements, AI promises a similar transformative trajectory.

David Grandes
David Grandes
Cover Image for How to Insert AI Agents in your Organization?

How to Insert AI Agents in your Organization?

The rise of AI challenges our traditional organizational structures. At Patagon.AI, we believe the future lies in Cross-Intelligent Organizations, combining the strengths of both AI and humans. Dive in to learn about the transformation from human-centric hierarchies to AI-integrated systems, and the pivotal role of Agents in this new era.

David Grandes
David Grandes